Letter from the IOC President - Humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian Olympic Community

Letter from the IOC President - Humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian Olympic Community


Please find the recomendations from the IOC Athlete365 Program on we are contributing as ASPC and the letter of President Thomas Bach:

IOC President writes to Olympic Movement regarding humanitarian assistance for the Olympic Community of Ukraine.

Dear athletes, dear athlete representatives,


Thank you to all of those who joined our call on Tuesday to discuss the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Following this, please find attached a letter from the IOC President – in English, French and Spanish – relating to the humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian Olympic Community.


Humanitarian support available for Ukrainian athletes

Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly (kaveh.mehrabi@olympic.org), with copy toathlete365@olympic.org, to inform us of any Ukrainian athletes within your network that are in emergency situations and require support. If you could share as much information as you can in your response it will be very helpful and allow us to follow up as efficiently as possible. 


As the situation is evolving every day, through the Olympic Solidarity team, we are working in collaboration with Continental Associations, NOCs and IFs to coordinate solutions to those in need where possible.


Mental health support

Additionally, please see attached information (in English and Ukrainian) about the Athlete365 mental health support which is available for all Ukrainian athletes and their families, offering support with any issue and connections to local resources to help manage emotional, physical, financial and social needs. Please feel free to share this information and flyers to your athlete communities.


We thank you in advance for your collaboration and solidarity and remain at your disposal for any clarifications required either by phone or by return email.


All the very best,



Kaveh Mehrabi


Athletes’ Department