Become a Member
Article 27 of the Bylaws
All natural and legal persons who, freely and voluntarily, have an interest in, and support, the purposes of the Association may become members or affiliates, according to the regulations set in the By Laws.
Article 28 of the Bylaws
1. Only Sport Performance Centres can be members of the Association, as long as they fulfil following requirements:
i) To carry out activities focused on elite sport.
ii) To be legally constituted as a Sport Performance Centre, in accordance with the relevant legislation, and proof support from the relevant Olympic/Paralympic Committee or national government.
iii) To sign an agreement to be bound by and comply with the Association’s Code of Conduct.
iv) To provide operational, technical, and scientific support services to high performance athletes and coaches.
v) To agree to exchange personnel with other Sport Performance Centres to interact and share ideas and working methods.
2. Every member shall have one vote to the General Assembly.
Article 28 of the Bylaws
1. The following can be considered as supporters of the Association:
Entities (including but not limited to National Olympic Committees, Sports Federations, Foundations, Non-Governmental Organisations, etc.) and individuals (including but not limited to managers, administrators or staff of a Sports Performance Centre or National Olympic/Paralympic Committee, sponsors, coaches, persons working in the field of medicine, science, media, etc.) who support high performance sport and who meet the following requirements:
i) To be able to provide evidence of actions carried out in support of high performance sport.
ii) To sign an agreement to comply with the Code of Conduct of the Association.
2.In addition, depending on the nature of the supporter, the following requirements are established:
Natural persons:
-They must have the necessary capacity to act and must not be subject to any legal condition for the exercise of the right of association.
Legal persons:
- The application for membership must be agreed by the entity’s competent body. -The rules governing the legal person in question must not exclude the possibility of joining an association.
3. Supporters are not members of the Association and therefore they do not have any voting rights
The current membership dues, as approved by the most recent General Assembly are:
- Centres: Joining fee (500 €) Annual fee (500 €). Free International Forum registration (2 persons).
- Supporters: Joining fee (250 €) Annual fee (250 €). Free International Forum registration (1 person).
Membership with the ASPC is a unique opportunity to focus on your growth as a leader and the effectiveness and efficiency of your Center..Membership in the Association of Sport Performance Centers (ASPC) offers several benefits. More information
The Association of Sport Performance Centres (ASPC) has established the ASPC Exchange Programme to encourage international learning between members of the association. The continued learning of the members of our group through exchanges between members is a primary reason for the creation of the organization. While many relationships and partnerships have developed with members through the ASPC Forums and through ongoing communication, study visits are still a powerful tool to immerse sport centres in best practices and the experience of other colleagues. More information
Members are eligible to receive awards for their fidelity to the Association.
5 years for Bronze, 10 years for Silver and 15 years for Gold.
The payment of all the years is a requirement for the eligibility of the award.
Participation at the World Forum on Elite Sport Event with TWO fees gratuity
To elect or be elected to representative, governing or executive positions
Right to vote at the General Assembly
Participation at the World Forum on Elite Sport Event with ONE fee gratuity
Participation in Working Groups Committees
To attend the meetings of the General Assembly
Members have access to job opportunitties and the ability to post your jobs for free on the ASPC Site.
Or access to Global Sports Jobs Platform provided by:
How to pay dues/who has paid
The payment procedure is online and will be available as soon as the Secretariat activates your account during your provisional membership period.
Status of on-line payments will be available through your membership account.
A password policy has been established where you will be able to recover a forgotten password through your declared administration email.
How to update your centre profile
Here you will find a short user manual to keep your information updated: Website Manual
You can add news and any information you want to share with anyone or just the ASPC Community.
For any further help, please contact us at the Secretariat.