
Wednesday, 9 September 2009

With an impressive quality of organization the VI FORUM ON ELITE SPORT starts in Colorado Springs, with the support of the USOC. It highlights the best of the collaboration spirit of all attendees and promises to be a real exchange event with up to 80 participants worldwide. The new host of the VII Forum have been selected, and INSEP, Paris will organize the next event in 2011. Congratulations.

Monday, 3 November 2008

The Marketing Subcommittee prepares a marketing package. A Marketing Package has been prepared by the Marketing Subcommittee and distributed to a major number of centers worldwide. As accorded at the meeting of the BoD in Colorado, the contents are avaliable herewith.

A Marketing Package has been prepared by the Marketing Subcommittee and distributed to a major number of centers worldwide. As accorded at the meeting of the BoD in Colorado, the contents are avaliable herewith.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

The Board of Directors will meet at the USOC Training Centre Colorado Springs on October 31st. Also the 2nd General Assembly of the IAHPSTC will take place on November 1st. The main topic of discussion is the Next IV FORUM to be held in Colorado Springs next year from 9th to 13th of September 2009 at the new venue of the USOC.

Thursday, 10 April 2008

The Board of Directors met at the High Performance Training Centre CAR Sant Cugat in Barcelona on April 10th and 11th. Attendees came from America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. Topics regarding the 2nd General Assembly in Colorado in Auttum were discussed, as the Program for the next VI FORUM to take place in 2009 at the new venue of the USOC in Colorado Springs.

Thursday, 1 November 2007

A contact have been made in Sant Cugat on October 4th 2007, with M Lluisa Berasategui (IASI - ESP) and Ms Gretchen Ghent (IASI - CAN) by Francesc de Puig and Josep Escoda Some collaboration proposals arise: Participation with lectures in their Congress to take place the 13th IASI World Congress to be held in Canberra (Australia) from 11 to 13 March 2009. To contribute in the Technology Project driven by JISS and AIS. -    Standardization of video formats for sport applications The group agrees on mentioning it on the website news and a create an electronic link to IASI.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

On September 5th, during the V Forum on Elite Sport, held in Beijing Sport University, the 1st General Assembly of the International Association of High Performance Sport Training Centers takes place. With participation of 31 members with right to vote the new board was nominated. New meetings will take place in spring in Europe and Auttumm in America. The next organizer of the Forum Elite Sport was elected. Colorado Springs will be the new host of VI Forum Elite Sport in September 2009.