The Board of Directors will meet in Melbourne on March 14th, at the Victoria Institute of Sport - VIS- Australia , hosted by Frank Pyke.
Organisers of the IV Forum on Elite Sport in Montreal have released the Evaluation Report based on the questionnaire distributed the last day. The results describe the good quality of the organisation, the satisfaction of the attendants and suggest improvements to learn on the coming Forums. The Report is available at the web-site of the Association. At the IV Forum and the News Section.
Mr. Chi Jian, Vicepresident of the Beijing Sports University attending the IV FORUM in Montreal confirms that BSU will host the V Forum in China in 2007.
Montréal received between the 26 and the 28 of July the IV International Forum on Elite Sport. Organized by Centre National Multisport Montreal at the Delta Centre Ville, with the support of the Government of Canada, Quebec, the city of Montreal and the Canadian Olympic Committee. Jean Pierre Tibi and his team provided to professionals and executives of sports performance centres of the entire world an occasion to share experiences and points of view on the elite sport.
IV International Forum on Elite Sport Montreal, Canada, 26-28 July 2005 The International Forum on Elite Sport 2005 will bring together people managing or working in Sports Institutes / High Performance Centres around the world. The purpose of the Forum is: To discuss, debate and examine issues affecting their work.
We are glad to announce the publication of our South African contributor Dr. Francois Kotze , with his final study of Financial Sustainability of HPCs.